Tuesday, January 6, 2015

What Makes CEREC the Cutting Edge in Dentistry?

CEREC represents the cutting edge of dental innovation, allowing my patients to get ceramic tooth restorations done in a single visit. CEREC is a CAD/CAM system (computer-aided drafting/computer-aided manufacturing) that allows me to produce and insert ceramic restorations without the need for multiple visits or lab work.

CEREC was first introduced to the market in 1985 by a company called Sirona Dental Systems. Since then, the technology has only gotten better, adding a level of convenience and precision to restorations that previous generations would not have imagined possible. The whole process is fast and safe, and in a relatively short amount of time, it provides patients with a natural-looking tooth restoration that will last for many years.

The restoration done with CEREC are all-ceramic, a material that is durable, resistant to wear and looks and feels natural next to other teeth. The procedure allows the dentist to preserve more of the original tooth material, using a cutting edge bonding technique to restore the tooth to its full functionality. 

Why do Patients Love CEREC?

But what patients really love about CEREC is that the entire restoration can be done in a single visit. Before CEREC, a patient needed a first visit to have the tooth prepared and an impression made. A temporary crown was then put on, and the patient was scheduled for a second visit. During the second visit a few weeks later, the temporary crown was removed and the permanent one put in its place.
Of course, if the temporary happened to fall off before the second visit, that typically required adding a third visit to replace it. For people who are working or who have a lot of personal commitments, all of these appointments were inconvenient, and dealing with the temporary crown for weeks while waiting for the final visit was frustrating.

CEREC takes that frustration right out! Images  are taken of the teeth using an intraoral camera. From those images, a restoration is created in a computer using CAD. The high resolution 3D image ensures that the restoration will take every detail into consideration, providing the highest level of precision possible. Next, an in-office milling machine creates the tooth!

Finally, the restoration is bonded in place. All of this takes place during a single visit, and the process usually lasts about an hour. My patients walk out of the office with a brand new, restored tooth. 
I, Dr. Rondon, use CEREC technology to provide my patients the highest level of dental precision. With a commitment to the latest and greatest innovations in dental care,  I get to create beautiful smiles all across Jacksonville.

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