Wednesday, November 12, 2014

ClearCorrect and Six Month Smiles: The New Orthodontics

The world of orthodontics has seen remarkable innovations in the last couple of decades, giving patients more options than ever for correcting teeth that are crooked and misaligned. A couple of the more recent examples are ClearCorrect and Six Month Smiles, both of which offering distinct advantages over traditional orthodontic procedures. Let’s take a brief look at them.


ClearCorrect uses a set of custom, removable aligners to straighten a patient’s teeth. The aligners are made of clear plastic, and they move teeth incrementally. The whole process is relatively simple. Impressions are made of the patient’s teeth, and a computer program is used to design a set of customized aligners to achieve the desired result.

The patients will typically wear each aligner for up to 22 hours a day, removing them in order to eat and drink, as well as to brush and floss. Every six weeks or so, they will visit the dentist to receive two new sets of aligners, with each set moving the teeth just a little further in the process. After the final set of aligners, the patient is given a retainer to wear at night, which helps to maintain the final results of the treatment.

There are many advantages to ClearCorrect. The first one is contained in the name: the aligners are completely clear, so people probably won’t even notice them. They are practically invisible. Another advantage is comfort, because they require no brackets or metal wires. Finally, the aligners can be removed, unlike braces, for eating and drinking.

Six Month Smiles

Six Month Smiles has only recently arrived on the scene, so it represents one of the latest innovations in orthodontics. It offers a procedure for straightening teeth that is much shorter than traditional braces. As the name of the product boldly proclaims, they can produce striking results in just six months.

Unlike ClearCorrect, Six Month Smiles uses clear brackets and wires made of a nickel-titanium alloy. The short treatment time means patients will not feel as much discomfort, but this product is best for people who do not need complex correction to their bite. For many common alignment problems, such as overbites, crowding, and spacing, they are quite effective.

Unlike ClearCorrect, the brackets are bonded to the teeth, so they are not removable. For some people, this might be a problem. However, the relatively short treatment time means people won’t have to put up with them for long. Patient will need to avoid foods that can get stuck under the braces, such as candy or hard foods like apples. Also, food and drinks that contain high levels of sugar or acid should be avoided.  However, the trade-off is quick progress.

Both ClearCorrect and Six Months Smiles are viable procedures for people looking to straighten their teeth. They represent the newest innovations in orthodontics. I, Dr. Rondon, can answer any specific questions you might have about either procedure, so contact me at myJacksonville dental office today.

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